I’ve come to realize that we make STARTING a lot harder than it should be. When you know the right steps to take, it just makes life that much easier. Plans are put in place to help maintain focus and connect the dots in your life. I had a plan to make money but not to run a successful business. I started with a dream and a grind. This isn’t a bad place to be in but eventually you have to become a businessperson to run a thriving reputable business. I am thankful for a good brain and amazing business friends who have helped and continue to help me grow in areas I’m not so savvy in. Because lacking in business knowledge is more detrimental than lacking in skills. Yep, I said it. You’re not going too far without having a good, solid business structure.
1. First things first! Create it in your mind and pray on the vision you want to recieve from God. Let Him know your heart but truly be open to his plans for your life. I can assure you that putting it in his hands makes your plans so much bigger and better. Then write it, so it becomes clear. Work it so you can see the evidence of his promises! Whew!! Then plan. This is so important. Spell whatever it is out, completely. From your exact clientele focus to the color of your aesthetics in your studio or workspace, if this is what you desire. Start off with a 3-5 year plan. Those who are really clear will plan out to 10 years! Now, of course, as an entrepreneur and visionary, your life will constantly change and evolve but you will have set your goals and it’s a good way to even chart your growth. This is also where you build out your structure and make the foundation of your business strong! Oohh and this is a good time to strategize about the money it will take to start!
2. Educate yourself and invest in your business. Become a master at your craft and what it is you want to accomplish. Find your lane and ride it out baby! Make divine business connections, which will create more connections that can eventually lead to expanding and growing your brand and taking it to the top! Become an assistant to a role model or become a mentee. Gain knowledge and develop your signature style or product.
3. Be innovative. Market. Keep repeating for every new endeavor. You can even use this same strategy when you want to offer a new service or when you want to expound on a current service or vision.
Remember, God has already equipped you with everything you need for each season of your life. It’s so hard for us to grasp the part of discovering and developing what we have. It doesn’t take a lot for Him, He just needs YOU. So, SHOW UP!
I’ve realized my purpose is to help you realize you can create what you want, yes, even from nothing!
If you desire to have more insight on how to do this, email me at